Wild Wacky Whims
Forget logic and intellect for a change. Find freedom by rewinding to an inhibition-free naiveté. Try something weird and wonderful, bold and bizarre, crazy and kiddish or funny and frivolous. Alternative games? Horror night? Skinny dip? How close to insanity do you want to get?

Witches Market in La Paz in Bolivia
You won’t bump into actual witches at La Paz, but you will certainly find the weirdest
of produce displayed in the stalls of this market. Potions, medicinal plants, spells,
spiritual advice and even witch doctors in a black hats. Prosperity and good luck is
ensured provided you have the guts to buy Dried Llama and frog fetuses.

South America
Sleep in a glass pod suspended from a cliff face
Fancy spending the night in a hotel suspended over the edge of a cliff? Check into a
glass pod dangling from the edge of the Sacred Valley. 360-degree views of Andes
are guaranteed. Question is, will you sleep like a baby on a bed which doesn’t have a
floor underneath it?
South America
Gamble on a guinea pig in the streets of Bogota
Anyone up for an entertaining street game? Place your bet on an upside-down plastic
cup. The game host releases a guinea pig. If it enters your cup, you are the winner of
4 or 5 times the money you bet. No strategies or plans work here, winning is purely a
matter of chance. Noisy groups will enjoy more.

South America
Watch theatre blind in Buenos Aires
Plays at Teatro Ciego are performed entirely in the dark, so don’t bother carrying your
glasses. Interesting part is that there is aroma, live music and touchable things to
make up for what you can’t see. There’s even a blind magic show. Sight never felt like
such a privilege.